New AIBE Professors appointed

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Since the first of April the AIBE Team has been grown significantly:

Prof. Dr. Andreas Kist

#FAUwelcome: The #HightechAgendaBayern is shaping/changing #FAU step by step. Now we appointed Andreas Kist as #FAUprof. Andreas did his PhD research at  @mpiNeuro, joins us from UKER, is an expert for #AIinMedicine, and will join our new department #AIBE.


Prof. Dr. Daniel Roth

#FAUwelcome: We are very happy to announce that @rothnroll is now appointed #FAU professor of #digitalhealth and will join #FAU‘s new department #AIBE. Currently Daniel joined us from the Nassir Navab @TU_Muenchen

Prof. Dr. Thomas Seel

#FAUwelcome: Within the #HighTechAgenda of #Bavaria #FAU became the home of #AIinMedicine. We am very happy to announce that Dr. Thomas Seel is now appointed #FAUprof joining our new department #AIBE – leaving @TUBerlin