AIBE Inauguration

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AIBE Inauguration

What a blast: AIBE’s Inauguration Event

Three years after the Bavarian Prime Minster Markus Söder announced the Hightech Agenda, the new Department Artificial Intelligence in Biomedical Engineering (AIBE) of the Friedrich-Alexander-University Erlangen (FAU) is fully in operation. 14 Professors, 76 co-workers and 1000s of research and teaching ideas.

The inauguration of the new Department took place on October 13th and 14th in Erlangen, in the facilities of the digital health innovation platform (dhip campus, Preceded by an ice-breaker party in the evening of the 12th, it consisted of two days packed with scientific, institutional and strategic talks, encompassing all aspects of Artificial Intelligence applied to Biomedical Engineering.

Dr. Florian Herrmann of behalf of Dr. Markus Söder, Dr. Markus Blume, Prof. Markus Neurath and Prof. Kai Willner together with Prof. Björn Eskofier and Prof. Joachim Hornegger provided the institutional framework of, and introduction to, the activities planned by the Department for the upcoming years. Four prominent international researchers in the fields of Biomedical Images, Health Data analytics and Medical Robotics, delivered inspiring talks for round about 120 FAU-internal and external guests who attended the event. Furthermore, more than 20 overview talks were delivered by the members of the Department and closely related scientist from the Faculty of Engineering and the Faculty of Medicine.

The inauguration provided a great start for AIBE on its way to become an active interdisciplinary bridge and research incubator among the Faculties of the FAU and local partners from industry dealing with healthcare, fostering a tight interaction with the industrial and societal environment in Franconia, Bavaria, Germany and Europe.

Let’s get things rolling.