Introduction to the Rehab Technologies Lab of the Italian Institute of Technology
Dear Colleagues,
it is my pleasure to announce that Andrea Marinelli and Dario Di Domenico of the Rehab Technology Lab of the IIT, Genoa, Italy ( will be visiting AIBE from July, 11th on for two weeks. Andrea and Dario will be interfacing their 3-DOF hand/wrist prosthesis, probably the most advanced hand/wrist prosthetic system in the world, with our control system – see . By the way, during that time we will need volunteers for a simple experiment, which will not involve an amputation. ? Be ready to be contacted.
Additionally, Andrea and Dario have agreed upon giving us a talk on their ongoing activity – please spread this invitation to whoever might be interested.
Venue and time: AIBE (Werner-von-Siemens-Str. 61) room 03.17, 12.7.2022, h14:00