AIBE Inauguration: plenary speaker Corry K. van der Sluis


Technology and end-users in upper-limb rehabilitation robotics: how to bridge the gap


Advanced prostheses, serious games, virtual reality environments or robotic devices to improve upper limb function are part of modern clinical practice. However, this advanced technology is not always accepted by the end-user, due to limited functionality, high costs, limited usability, no options for customization and many other reasons. If technology is not accepted by the end-user, the device will be rejected, or it will not be used to its full potential. As a result, the end-user and the deliverer both will be disappointed, although a lot of money and effort have gone into the development of the device.  One solution could be to switch from the current technology-driven research approach to a patient-driven research approach. Another solution could be to collaborate with end-users from the start of a new research or design project. Such a collaborative process is called co-creation, where the end-user is involved in all stages of the research. In professor van der Sluis’ lecture she will try to provide some insights in how the bridge the gap between technology and end-users in the field of upper limb rehabilitation. She will use examples of her own research activities to illustrate the gap between end-users and technology, where this gap was bridged (and how) and where not


Corry K. van der Sluis (1964) is a professor and consultant for Rehabilitation Medicine at the University Medical Center Groningen, the Netherlands. Her field of interest is the rehabilitation of persons with upper limb disorders. Her professional activities comprise patient care, teaching and research. Her research focuses mainly on upper limb amputations and prostheses. A main research topic is the development of training programs for people who use upper limb prostheses. Innovative technology such as serious games are integrated in this research.  A second main research topic is the decrease and prevention of musculoskeletal complaints in persons with upper limb disorders. She is author of over 130 internationally peer reviewed publications and she contributed as an author to 8 book chapters. She gave over 70 international presentations.
